A fresh new album release from Wildheart delivers a massive punch with intense drive and brutal heaviness that comes through fierce and fiery but with heart as well as certain tracks hit elements of wild and anthemic soundscapes while others come through with whipping riffs and harsh intensity but it all comes together as this record unfolds and it feels like each song connects to the next almost like a concept album would.
The Searching for Life Beyond Tragedy album wastes very little time showcasing the vast and expansive tonality of how they write their songs in combination with those hard edged and deep-toned guitar riffs. This combination is a staple feel for the record and lets everything create an atmosphere in its own way.
The thing about this record is, it takes honest opinion and personality, character and this impactful approach so that you get a sense that everything is coming from somewhat of an emotional state or was at least born from there.
There are elements of punk, thrash metal, death metal, melodic metal, alternative rock, and just tons more including a lot of progressive guitar tones and segments that are spanned and strewn across the record's playthrough.
This album definitely has a few surprises around its corners and that's something that I found really addictive while other tracks are just fists in the air scream-alongs, mosh pit worthy bangers that have this massive sonic presence to them that feels engulfing and surrounding.
The guitar work on this release is intense to say the very least. They're inventive, insanely heavy, and have this sharpness to them that definitely leaves a mark and lets the whole record hit with heavy blows right where they need to be.
Again, one of my other favorite aspects of the record is that expansive tonality in its underbelly as well. This adds more depth to the record as it plays on and gives you that progressive feel and this sort of spacious and atmospheric tonality that definitely has a big part of how you get wrapped up in the record.
The drum performances are everything here. The drumming drives this record and pushes everything through the envelope to a higher platform so that the energy level of the whole thing is just crazy.
But that's a very unique aspect to this record. The sheer fact that each element pushes the next further is outstanding. Instruments and performances complement the others.
From the drums to the bass to the vocals to the guitars, everything feels like it's alive and that energy is infectious.
I think that's one of the best things about this record.
The vocals are shredding and fierce with a certain kind of passion and heart in the performances. It's not just mindless screaming. There's an art form to how the vocals are performed and when it is screaming, it's done tastefully with attitude and still has that heart attached to it in the performance.
The singing vocal parts are awesome and those are the sections that really add more of that and to make it fast tonality along with a lot of the guitar work as well.
This record was definitely a bit of an escape. If you listen to it in full, which by the way is the only way to do this. (You should be listening to this whole album from beginning to end so that you could really get a grasp of what its purpose is), you will have to snap yourself back into your own reality when it's over.
Yes, there are bangers on this record that just straight up hit hard but there's so many layers to it and there's so much more going on. There's a whole atmosphere if I may use that word once again. It's one of the best words to describe that underbelly and undertone of what the record puts out. It's expensive and that's part of where the layers of the album come in.
This was fun. There was a ton happening and although it was high octane, intense, blistering metal, it wasn't ridiculously over the top or anything. It was perfectly balanced in terms of that energy and that heaviness, the intricacy of the riffs and the performances by all parts of the band.
Everything was put together with thought and attention to detail and I feel like that's a big part of why this record comes through packing as much punch as it does and feeling as tight as it does.
This is for all the metal heads out there listening to any kind of metal really because again, this one record blends so many metal subgenres together that any kind of metalhead will love most of these tracks at least.
Check this record out as soon as you can and remember where you heard it first.