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Until Dusk Fades Just Gave Us a Thrashing Metal EP

From Until Dusk Fades comes a new EP that wastes no time hitting with fierce rest and a brutal undertone that blends in metal subgenres seamlessly and comes at you with an energy that seems intense from beginning to end.

The Behind Closed Doors EP hits you with a flurry of Sonic drive with an edgy guitar tone and a brutal thrashing approach that is driven by blistering drums and the whole thing creates an atmosphere that hits you like a sucker punch to the gut.

This record takes elements of thrash metal, speed metal, black and death metal, and more, and rolls them all up into one release that's super intense in all the right ways.

The kick drum work on this record is crazy and the whole thing comes with a certain kind of character and personality, a theme.

You get a combination of grueling and screeching vocals to melodic choruses as well and that combination works well for this band because in the parts where there are melodic vocal sections, the music is still thrashing and intense, so you have this amazing set of layered textures that work well together.

I love the screeching and grueling vocal approaches though because this is indeed more of a death metal album than anything else and it works well for the speed and thrash metal approach however, again, this record has a bit of a theme, and it is a dark and haunting one.

This EP was super well thought out and there was a lot of attention to detail during its creation I'm sure, but I also think that there is a certain kind of passion behind a project like this one as well and the songs have heart.

This is the thing that people who do not listen to a lot of metal, simply don't understand. Not only do songs like this have a lot of passion behind them and love for the genre, but it's also a genre that takes a lot of skill to pull off properly.

This record has surprises around the corners, thriving energy, and a certain kind of vibrancy that lets everything have a forward-moving flow but also become explosive and fierce all the way through.

Listening to this kind of stuff makes me want to go see them live because if that kind of energy and impactful, excitable, electric charisma is captured on record like this, then seeing it live must be a face-melting experience. That's an experience I would want to have if I were to go see a metal band like this one.

This record feels like a concept record of sorts where the songs have strange ways of interconnecting almost like a story.

This is just one of the reasons I would suggest listening to this whole EP from beginning to end and I'm sure you'll have the time seeing that it's only about 26 minutes long.

This one is most certainly for death and thrash metal fans who love a level of intensity that never lets down.

Pop this record on and turn it nice and loud because it's even better that way. You can feel it in your blood and your bones.

Remember where you heard it first.

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