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SONUR Just Released a New EP

A new release from SONUR just dropped and it has a very particular way of creating an expansive and vast tonality and this soundscape really pulls you in and creates an atmosphere that you end up floating around in which is something that you don't get often so when you hear it you automatically get attached to it.

The release is an EP of sorts, and it's called Up in the Clouds.

There are two tracks involved with it and the first one is an introduction which is a very vast and cinematic piece that has a certain kind of haunt in its undertone and has an excellent way of bringing in the actual title track itself.

This definitely has a way of pulling you away from whatever you're doing and wherever you are and putting you in this other place and it starts with that intro piece.

The emotional drive starts to build, and you can hear that in the music itself almost like a classical piece of work and this intro is short but does feel somewhat orchestrated but also somewhat scattered at the same time.

It's very unique in terms of being an introduction but it works perfectly to bring in that title track.

The song itself, "Up in the Clouds" has a wonderful sort of gracefulness to it but also boasts that edginess as well and feels almost like a cross of dream, all, and indie pop but has indie rock undertone as well as there are great guitar parts in there and this element of synth wave at times.

There's a lot of honesty in the lyrics of the song and you can get wrapped up in that if you really listen, but the musical aspect is really what pulls you in because it's so big and does have this sort of Sonic drive to it but it's subtle and its own way.

The track is riddled with awesome guitar and vocal hooks that end up bouncing around in your brain for hours after the song has ended and it's one of those things where the only way you can satiate that is to go and listen to the song again.

It does feel a little bit more like a full experience than just the track itself and it is a good length of time spanning almost 4 minutes, but you end up really getting engulfed in that.

I love a song that creates a bit of an atmosphere for you to fall into and this release certainly does that starting with the intro and all the way through the end of the actual track itself.

When it's over you have to sort of snap out of it to acclimate yourself back to reality again.

The song boasts both male and female vocals and those two go together so well that they have a strange way of complimenting each other and it helps the song get almost separated into sections as well.

The way this piece of music unfolds is quite brilliant and it's done with an ear for arrangement because it's got a beautiful tonality to it but the progression and how it plays through is helpful in terms of creating the emotional waves that the song expresses.

There's a bopping bass line that I think is a synth and that is the basis for the songs forward moving flow a lot of the time although it does have little breakdown moments that are almost orchestral and those are the chunks where you get a real cinematic feel aside from that intro as I mentioned earlier.

One of the things that really hit me about this track was the percussion because that aspect of it has a sort of 90s alternative pop approach to it and I feel like that is something that adds to the builds of the track and how it comes through with that slightly edgy pop aesthetic.

The track has a lot of layers to it and when you first hear it it feels like these textures are blending together and creating something unique.

This was a sort of gracefully performed song in a way, and you can tell it came from someplace real and also that there was a lot of attention to detail during the creation of it however, it never loses that personality or character I should say, and I think that's the most important aspect of it.

This is the track that has a strange way of swimming around in the air that surrounds you and I suggest you listen to this with headphones on so you can soak in all the notes and textures that are floating through the ether of the track.

Take a deep dive into the song as soon as you can and remember where you heard it first.

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