A new single release from Shalisa delivers a very unique breed of honesty as she lays out an entire situation for you to soak in with great description so that you can really picture things in your head as the song unfolds.
"Bad Hangover" brilliantly combines elements of Americana, rock, and a bunch of soul, especially vocally. This combination hits hard and certainly packs a punch because she delivers so much robust personality throughout it all that you end up getting attached to that.
One of the things that reaches out and grabs you is that straightforward, detailed story and honesty. She leaves nothing out and lets you wrap your head around everything going on.
Not only is this a relatable track but it's something that I feel like was even somewhat cathartic for Shalisa to write and release.
This is a lush song with full-bodied instrumentation and it's actually quite danceable at the same time. But you get more of a grasp of that character and I think that's what drives this track so much.
Her presence as an artist is thriving throughout this single and it comes through with a certain rawness and attitude that makes her a little bit vulnerable but that's also what makes the track so authentic.
Having said all that, it's a very catchy song as well. That course ends up bouncing around in your head for hours after the song has ended and the only way to satiate that is to listen to it again and again.
What may be even better is the accompanying music video because that also pushes her character and presence even further and helps the song's descriptions shine through more powerfully.
It also showcases her insane creativity levels as she puts a lot into the video creation, the acting, shots, and it all comes together with a vibrant punch.
Although there are lyrics about taking shots which make perfect sense with the song's title, there's a lot more to what the song is actually about.
The track definitely has some layers that you can peel back and it's certainly quite fun to do that.
Her vocal approach is amazing. She's got such swagger and soul to her approach, but it also has a certain colorful aspect to it, so the combination of that color and a bit of edginess goes a long way here.
Upon listening to this track, I took a deep dive into her back catalog on Spotify, and it is amazing. There's a lot of great singles that she's released, and each one shows a bit of a different side to her artistry and her personality.
Not only would I start with this single, but I would go back from there and listen to some of these previous tracks because then you can get a glimpse into more of who she is as an artist and also listen to her evolution as a songwriter.
Most certainly check this track out and one of the best ways to do so is by watching the video, especially the first time around.
Remember where you heard it first.