An album release from Pocket Lint comes through with a blend of classic and almost vintage pop approaches, blending newer and electronic styles, and the combination of those two elements builds an atmosphere that feels like it's all its own and can pull you right into it.
The Jet Age is an album influenced by everything from indie pop and dream pop to classic pop and a bit of progressive and edgy elements as well.
The way this comes through feels like something that you would hear in certain scenes of films from the '80s or early '90s. The vocals have a sort of robust and melodically vast approach that reminds you of post-punk and the production of this record is outstanding because it utilizes a series of gorgeous synth and key tones to build it up.
Of course, you have guitars and bass guitars along with plenty more to go along with those synths, but it's a very electronic-based record plenty of the time, and this is part of why you get engulfed by the atmosphere of what it delivers.
Songs like "Comet" give a bit of an expansive undertone with synth pads that stretch and span as they float through the track's ether and some lead guitar work that has a different texture to the whole thing.
This is a song that delivers lots of layers and textures, but again, the whole album does that as well. There are many songs that deliver layers upon layers of digital and natural instrumentation along with vocals, so you have a lot to soak in and swim through.
Other tracks like "Jet Set Go" have a massively cinematic feel and give you great Concepts and tones that sit atop each other and have a sort of forward-moving flow.
A lot of the time, the vocals are dripping with a reverb-like effect which adds more depth to the songs as well as that vastness in their underbellies, which in turn help build the atmosphere and that cinematic backbone I mentioned earlier.
One of the things I love about this track is that no two songs are totally alike.
This is an album that you listen to all the way through.
If you only listen to a few tracks you won't get the full spectrum of what it has to offer.
This release is like an escape, and some songs feel personal, while others feel more concept-driven, but either way, you're getting several different approaches throughout the record's playthrough.
This is an album that was meant to be listened to in full. By the time it's over, you have to shake it all off and reacclimate yourself back to reality again.
This is something you don't get often, so when it comes around it's quite refreshing.
The way that this project can bend genres yet still keep it in a pop realm is outstanding. Again, no two songs are very similar, but there is a glue that holds everything together and keeps things confluent.
If you check out the full record, you may pick up on the fact that it seems like a concept album.
This is a release that can really engulf you in the best ways possible and pull you into this other world for a chunk of time.
Utilizing semi-retro-pop approaches and sounds was a brilliant move because he was able to take those and bring them into a newer platform.
Bringing together those post-punk and New Wave approaches was also borderline genius, especially how he pulls it off in songs like "Vampires and Vixens".
The record has plenty of surprises around the corners and a fluctuation and intensities and energies that really become addicting after a bit.
You can tell there was a lot of attention to detail during the creation of this record but it doesn't lose this personality or character that it starts off within the first place.
Again, this is certainly a concept-driven release, and to pick up on all of that listening to it in full but also with headphones on is one of the best ways to soak it all in.
I found that listening to this album with headphones lets you pick up on a lot of scattered notes that are floating through some of the songs and all the layers and textures that it offers.
This was a great release that I would suggest checking out right now.
Remember where you heard it first.