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Mortalus Drop a Thrashing Live Record

Writer: BuzzSlayersBuzzSlayers

A massive new album release from Mortalus delivers nothing less than fierce, thrashing riffs, endless energy, high octane, belting vocals, outstanding guitar work, and an incredible drive from start to finish.

This record wastes absolutely zero time hitting hard, and the energy levels across this thing are outrageous. This entire record blew me away and one of the main reasons for that is because it's a live one.

The Three Times Louder album is a live recorded release bursting with so much vivacious and addictive metal that blends multitudes of the genre's many approaches together to create something that's all its own but still has familiarities to it.

One of my favorite tracks, "Battle Born", digs right into inventive and insane guitar work with a crazy riff that's so much fun to listen to even on its own that you get pulled right in.

The riff itself bounces around, and the drums come in with a halftime feel before everyone else kicks in. You have bountiful vocals that cry out with depth, with drums that just pound, giving this track such a heavy drive.

The opening track, "Day of The Dead", has a thrashier feel and hits some classic metal approaches but does it so well that it gives you bouts of nostalgia.

When you listen to this track, you can hear that bass guitar rumble but it also has a great high-end as well, almost like a punk rock tone, and it works super well for this approach.

This is an incredible track simply because it does an amazing job of portraying the staple sounds of the record.

However, there are plenty of surprises around the corners and a lot of other inventive aspects, so listening to this record from beginning to end is the only way to go.

The live aspect of this record captures their presence super well. It makes you want to immediately go see them live in person because the sound of this recording puts you right there in the moment.

I love hearing a band and knowing how intense it would be to see them live, right in your face. A total face-melter.

Growing up, I listened to a lot of metal. One of the first metal records I ever got was an album called Kill Them All by Metallica. This record blew my mind as a kid and still does to this day, to be honest with you.

I bring this up simply because there's a cover of one of the best songs from that record, "Motorbreath".

Yes, these guys covered early Metallica and did it incredibly.

This took me by surprise, even though you can hear that era of metal in their influence from start to finish.

Just the idea of covering a song like that is crazy. These guys pulled it off so well and actually sped it up to the point where you can feel how excited they were to track this.

They crushed every aspect of this cover and still kept true to the original.

The closing track on the record, "End This Pain", is an absolute banger and, again, portrays such great bass guitar tone and approach, along with fun, semi-colorful, but still super edgy guitar work. With this track and others, you can hear influences from other eras and bands from '80s and '90s thrash metal.

I can even hear Iron Maiden at times.

But again, you can hear a lot of influences coming in and out strewn throughout this release and anyone who grew up with this kind of stuff is going to love this band and especially this record.

There's something special about a live album. I think it takes guts because what a lot of people don't understand is that metal bands are perfectionists.

Some people don't listen to a lot of metal and don't really understand the intricacies of how it comes together.

The kind of energy, stamina, and precision it takes to make a thrash metal record is more than you would think.

These guys are masters of their instruments and if they wanted to, could probably release a jazz record.

This is a love letter to their influences, and it's done with, dare I say it, heart.

I love metal myself, especially classic thrash metal like this, and these guys have all the heart and all the love for the genre that it takes to breed a ferocious, high energy, blistering, and guitar-driven metal record.

You can tell this comes from a band with a genuine love for their craft.

This was thoroughly enjoyable and, again, should be listened to from beginning to end so that you can really soak it all in.

There are a ton of awesome layers here and it's been a long time since I've listened to a record that put me right there in the moment the way that this one does.

You will be headbanging right along with most of these tracks from the get-go, and when you listen to this, turn it up.

There's just no other way to do it.

This album was meant to be listened to loudly. Don't be afraid. Go ahead and crank this one right now; it's more than worth your time.

Remember where you heard it first.


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