A new release from Leah Eccles comes through with a very unique breed of honesty and a beautiful approach to what I would call across of acoustic, and bedroom pop song writing because she lets you fear and her own world for these little chunks of time and this lets you get attached to the character behind the entire thing and I feel like it's something that you don't get often so to get it here was very refreshing.
The Complete Wisteria album consists of these personal songs where some tracks have acoustic instruments and others have electronic instruments, but it all has the same vibe and sort of forward-moving flow to them so there's a great confluence and connection between all of these songs.
To an extent, it even feels like each of these songs serve as chapters in her life and she's letting you into these little pieces and stories.
There are a lot of tracks that are built off of some emotional drive and they come through very authentic but it's the production, instrumentation, arrangements, and approach to her performances that really wrap themselves around you and keep you right where they want to.
I absolutely adore a record like this because it feels like there's so much inner thought coming out and always in different ways.
When I listen to the album it makes me feel like she's perfectly at home in her comfort zone recording her stuff. There are no walls built around her and the record in turn, turns out to be something that is built with fewer boundaries than you may be used to.
This, I absolutely love simply because I feel like this is really what art is all about.
I can tell that this record is done with an ear for hooks at times, having a combination of a little bit of color and a little hint of edginess, vast undertones that make certain tracks feel cinematic, and again, those emotional touches that keep things very real.
Throughout all of this it never loses that character or that personality and this may be the most important factor of the entire thing.
The use of keys, synths, guitars, and especially her vocal approach are all brilliantly done and with a sense of freedom as well.
Again, like there are no boundaries.
You find yourself wanting more and more as the record unfolds and you get it. You get all kinds of great little surprises throughout its course, more personality, and you feel this one-on-one sort of experience when you listen to it.
This is most certainly a record that you listen to from beginning to end all the way through because if you only listen to one or two tracks then you're not really getting the full range of what the album has to offer as a whole.
There are layers and textures throughout this record not only instrumentally but lyrically as well.
This is an album you listen to with headphones on so you can really soak in all the elements floating through the ethers of some of these songs and it's one of the best ways to catch everything.
I can't explain enough how listening to this makes you feel like you're right there, in the moment.