A newly released EP from Carolina Reapers not only delivers a rambunctious and sort of wild tonality and attitude but it does so with so much character that you end up getting really attached to it all and the performances of these tracks have this intense energy that makes you feel like these songs will recorded live on the floor to an extent and everyone involved was just feeding off of each other the entire time.
The All day everyday all night everynight EP is quite an ambitious one as the first two tracks of the release are incredible original tracks that really let their presence as a band shine in terms of greedy guitar tones, southern drive, and this swinging sort of almost rockabilly feel that comes through as colorful but edgy at the same time.
The first track dubbed "Lamia" is incredibly fun, danceable, it has an almost theatrical feel to it like it was a song pulled straight from Greece or something like that.
It's got that classic and old school rock approach that's just completely vivacious and really shows such explosive fun.
Again, this track is something that's super danceable and by the second time you listen to it you can sing along with it and have a great time, and I think that's something that's important with this release.
This whole thing is supposed to be a damn good time, and it is exactly that. It really showcases the band's ability to put something out there that has fewer boundaries around it than you may be used to, and that electric energy is something that becomes quickly addictive on this record.
As I mentioned earlier, the first two tracks are original tracks, and the second track is called "And you call it love" which is like listening to a song that is out of a play for an old western.
I love the guitar tones on this because they're vast and the song has an expansive underbelly, the whole thing plays out with a certain kind of subtlety, but it still has that bit of edginess and loads of personality attached to it.
Now, the second two tracks are cover songs. And, when I mentioned earlier that this is quite an ambitious release this is partially why.
The first cover is of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" and they're able to take their swinging, fun, rockabilly, southern tonality and recreate this track with that approach so incredibly well that it's amazing however, they also managed to keep true to the original in terms of the arrangement, styles at times, and attitude.
The guitar work on this track and pretty much all the rest of them is outstanding and I really feel like the drummer in this band is something that adds all the drive and helps everything push through to the next level.
The second cover is "Sweet Dreams" which most of us know by Annie Lennox.
This is my favorite track on the record in terms of the covers. This was done so well and was such a unique approach but also still keeping true to the original version that I can't wrap my head around how they pulled it off.
The whole release has a lot to offer and offers such a great time that I can't express enough how you need to listen to this record from beginning to end.
You will be blown away by both the covers, but the originals really showcase the band's staple feels.
The vocalist's is absolutely killer and comes through with such a vibrancy that it complements the music in such a way that everything comes together perfectly.
There's an attitude, a swagger, a looseness, and this element that makes you feel like this is everything to the band and to the vocalist but none of them take this all too seriously or over the top.
You get that sense when you listen to the record, and I feel like that's so refreshing.
This was a massive release and one of the best 12 minutes I've spent in a long time so I would suggest you check this out and do it loud because it's one of the best ways to listen to the record.
Remember where you heard it first.