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Berner Trail "Tell Me How You're Doing" Premier

Writer: BuzzSlayersBuzzSlayers

For those of you that don't know Berner Trail, we'd love to be the ones to introduce you to them as they just released a brand new single that's premiering right here right now and it's got a really unique flavor to it that comes from this grungy and garage Rock enveloped Style that on this track in particular, comes across almost like a song that everyone sits around the bar and sings out loud because they all know it.

The track is called "Tell Me How You're Doing" and there's something super welcoming about it as if you've heard it at various times throughout your life.

There's this great familiarity to it that makes it endlessly catchy, and it shows great strides in rock music because it Blends different styles together and in doing so gives you something that you don't want to let go of.

The song comes with a feeling and that's what makes it so unique. It's in the way that the song is played that you get caught up in.

One of my favorite things about this is the time signature of it because it's got a swing to it which also is a little different and makes it its own.

These guys have been around for a bit and released a string of other singles throughout 2021 and just before the release of this one they put out a song called "Sleep Till The Afternoon" which is also really good.

"Tell Me How You're Doing" gives you a good idea of the steps these guys have taken and how much tighter they've become and not only the song writing and arrangement part of things but also in the performance side.

The previous releases are all really something to hear for sure especially if you were into a more classic grunge sound however this single has something special about it.

It definitely gives you that radio pop rock feel and is one of the best ways to get yourself introduced to the band.

But it's really not about the past, it's about the here and now along with the future.

If you listen to their catalog, you'll see that this track is a little bit of a change in direction and it's a really good step for them because now you have this really outstanding songwriting, so you know this band is something to look forward to.

I would definitely keep a lookout for whatever may come next but for now check out this new single out today everywhere.


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