An EP release from Toxic Garden Gnomes breaks free from the norm with a fresh take on pop rock with a brisk edginess and so much swagger and attitude it's hard to handle the coolness that this band exudes but it's so tasteful you can't look away.
The Repacked EP is a blistering record with bright guitar solos, a colorful undertone and one hell of a character that ends up coming through in full upon listening to the full EP as you get this old school alt-rock feeling as well as hints of grunge, but it's all coated with this pop sheen that puts off this mysterious and super sly style.
And this record has style indeed. It's got in your face attitude as well as that slyness, but they balance it all out so well its crazy.
You can bop along, dance, sing along, head bang and it all has this killer live performance approach to it that makes it all alive and breathing.
But it's all rock music and it's all got the vibe of awesome players feeding off of each other's energies the whole time. This is because the record is a compilation of live singles and energy like that is what makes a great band flow.
The songs have a crisp diversity and with the release of such a badass record, we wanted to have a chat with the band to find out where his all actually came from.
Here's what happened.
BuzzSlayers: Okay so let's start with the Repacked EP. This record has a unique and high energy rock feel to it. Where did this EP come from? The Ep is actually a collection of live favorites but the recordings stretch back into the dark ages in some cases but Single ‘Out of It ‘ is much more recent. A lot of the EP was recorded at home studios but was remixed & remastered by 3 time Australian producer of the year, Lachlan ‘ Magoo ‘ Goold’ in 2021. BuzzSlayers: I'm hearing some great styles on this song. Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
Would have to poke a nod towards Talking Heads in some respects & AC/DC & John Fruisciante Chilli Peppers style to be so bold with a bit of Primus even. BuzzSlayers: So how did this all begin for you really? When did you fall in love with making music? The band started in 1983 . We were there there the first time , . Mick grew up as formally trained choir boy & I got my love of music from hand me downs from older brothers such as Queen, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath. Making music as a teenager kept me off the streets literally. Both Mick & I were done for grand theft auto but music gave us that focus that we needed as 15 yr olds to avoid reform school. Dave , came into this world bass first !! He’s an accomplished producer and sound guy and multi instrumentalist. BuzzSlayers: What's next for you as a band? More of the same hopefully . We’re about to enter the studio to record a bunch of brand new tracks. We’re gigging regularly and plan on touring our next release on a larger scale. BuzzSlayers: What inspires you to write a song? Anything & everything . Usually we write the music first and lyrics second. Jams when we’re feeling loose on the juice. BuzzSlayers: What are you all doing when you're NOT working on music?
Mick, is head audio/ visual guy At Queensland Performing Arts Center. Currently we working on getting his blood pressure below 187 . Dave , is a sound tech at Brisbane Convention Center. We’re working on getting his blood pressure down too . High stress industries post COVId with staff shortages and high pressure. I’m booking gigs , organizing and providing Toxic consular assistance to those who need it & playing in several other bands.
BuzzSlayers: Who are you all listening to right now? Vintage Crop from Geelong Are you doing live performances? Yes, Thursday July 28th @ King Lears Throne here in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley BuzzSlayers: This EP seems like a big undertaking. What kind of advice might you have for other up and coming bands out there? Preproduction makes all the difference. Get it right in your rehearsal room or bedroom before shelling out big $ BuzzSlayers: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
Thanks, and if there’s anything we can do for you, let us know!