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Writer's pictureBuzzSlayers

An Interview With Miss Elm

Miss Elm has a new single and video that really has a way of reaching a sweet spot in you as the acoustic indie-pop song comes through with a warming sound and an addictive chorus that sticks with you for ages.

"Pippi Long" was a bit wonderous and features the artist's outstanding knack for bouncing vocal tracks off of each other and making things fee almost dreamy.

The track is massively harmonious and builds into a cinematic pop style as it plays on giving everything a beautiful sheen.

This is a youthful and energetic song with a natural tonality to it that touches on the rustic folk roots it may have been birthed from.

This single builds and swells. It engulfs you and washes you away with its wanderlust aesthetic and has you yearning for more when it's ended.

The music video that accompanies the song shows the artists character as a person a bit more and takes you through a bit of a journey through nature and road as Miss Elm plays and sings throughout its course.

"Pippi Long" has a life to it and shows songwriting with heart.

With such a gorgeous single, we wanted to have a chat with Miss Elm to find out where this song came from and what may be next for her.

Here is how it went down.

BuzzSlayers: Okay so let's start with "Pippi Long". This song has a great pop sensibility and a colorful undertone. Where did this song come from?

Miss Elm: The song found me in a time where I was on a songwriting hiatus. It had been several months since I had touched my Ukulele and sat down to noodle out some tunes. This song came through and I feel as though it was my inner child talking to me... so that's where the name came from. I see it as my curious inner child coming out to explore the world.

BuzzSlayers: I'm hearing a few styles on this track. Who are some of your biggest actual musical influences?

Miss Elm: I have been listening to a lot of Aurora and Alt Pop artists. I believe there is a nostalgic air to it. I also have a lot of jazz and soul in my musical background, so perhaps that is something I draw from when it comes to chordal arrangements.

BuzzSlayers: So how did all of this start for you?

Miss Elm: I started with a Music Degree when I was very young that took me on many twists and turns, eventually evolving from a 6-piece pop band to a solo live looping Ukulele Artist. I was drawn to the ukulele for its simplicity and diversity in sound. Pippi Long was written on a Baritone Ukulele.

BuzzSlayers: What are you performing on the record aside from vocals?

Miss Elm: I also play the Violin and Baritone Ukulele.

BuzzSlayers: Who are you listening to right now?

Miss Elm: I'm listening to Tash Sultana, Tame Impala and Aurora

BuzzSlayers: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?

Miss Elm: I'm teaching Ukulele in my online school - The Ukulele Rockers, cooking healthy meals and socializing in the Brisbane Music Scene.

BuzzSlayers: How do you write your songs? Is it lyrics first or chords maybe? How does it work for you?

Miss Elm: I used to write all the lyrics first... but these days I get inspired by finding new chords and progressions on the Ukulele, then the words seem to spill out naturally. I have experimented with many different styles of writing including collaborating with other artists and genres as well (for example earlier this year I released a Synth Wave track called 'Houdini').

BuzzSlayers: This song really had a great sound. What kind of advice would you have for other artists out there?

Miss Elm: To keep writing and experimenting with their sound.

BuzzSlayers: What's next for you as an artist? Anything in the works even now?

Miss Elm: I have another single that will be released next year and more adventures to follow that no doubt!

BuzzSlayers: Do you play any live shows? If so, do you have a band you perform with?

Miss Elm: Yes I do. I mostly do solo shows with my loop pedal.

BuzzSlayers: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?

Miss Elm: Come along for the ride.

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