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Writer's pictureBuzzSlayers

An Interview With Gabrielle Sofia

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

A bright and beautifully performed dance pop single released from Gabrielle Sofia brings out a colorful and vibrant tonality that blends in with honest lyrics and quite a refreshing approach to taking genres and melting them together with vocal hooks and building synths and percussion.

"Change Your Mood" is a great song to get on the dancefloor and shake your ass to. It's fun, quirky, and boasts a wonderfully creative and heartlet dance vibe embodied by a youthful, hands in the air, dance all night feel.

Sofia has a way of taking this almost nostalgic style and creating something that feels new and current. It has that after hours club vibe but also has that radio pop feel that turns heads.

This was a well driven single that never falls short and gives you all the builds and climaxes you look for out of good dance music in general.

The vocals add this pop element and melodies that stick with you for days on end which really helps.

it also has this sort of charm to it that really gets you to like her as a character on the track. You want to hear more from the artist and turn her songs up loud.

With the release of such a great single, we wanted to touch base with Gabrielle Sofia and talk shop about the song for a bit.

Here's what happened.

Buzz Slayers: Let's kick things off with "Change Your Mood". This track has a bright dance pop feel to it. Where did this single come from?

I'm not quite sure! It wasn't similar to anything I had previously made, but I didn't intentionally try to make It different from the rest of my discography. It just happened. I think that the inspiration for "Change Your Mood" probably came from music that I was listening to growing up. "Good Girl Gone Bad" by Rihanna and "The Fame" by Lady Gaga are two of my all-time favourite records and they're both engraved in the deepest parts of my brain at this point, so I'm sure that some sonic inspiration came from there. Lyrically, I just wanted to make something optimistic and fun. I was struggling a lot in my personal life when I wrote this song, and instead of writing about how I felt, I wanted to write something that would make me feel better.

Buzz Slayers: So, when did music start affecting you? When did you know making music was something you wanted to be doing?

Music has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. It has helped me in so many different ways over the years. It's been a distraction, an outlet, a safe place, an upper and a downer. From what my parents have told me, I've loved music since before I was born. I first started playing piano when I was five and the pile of instruments in my house only got bigger from there. I always knew that music was going to be a part of my life, regardless of if it paid my bills or not. My plan in High School was to become a nurse and do music on the side because it was a relatively "safe" career path, but it didn't take long for me to realize that nursing wasn't for me. I decided to go to college for music instead and graduated last June!

Buzz Slayers: What inspires you to write a song?

Everything and nothing. It depends on the day. I find that forcing myself to write never really works, so I generally wait until ideas come to me. Usually when I'm falling asleep, showering or doing another mindless activity is when I get good ideas. I write them all down in my phone as poems and then piece together different poems with similar themes later on to write a full song. I pull ideas from everything that surrounds me. The places I've been, the people I've met and everything in between.

Buzz Slayers: This track has some great styles! Can you give us some of your top musical influences?

My top musical influences are constantly changing! For "Change Your Mood" I would say the big ones were Gaga, Rihanna and Bieber. Also known as the big three who live in my head rent free haha.

Buzz Slayers: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?

When I'm not working on music, I'm probably working on another audio project for a client, at my part-time job, working out, or walking my dog with my grandma. It is so important for me to get outside every day, even if it's only for a little while. It helps my mental health so much.

Buzz Slayers: Who's in your headphones right now?

This week I've been listening to a lot of Remi Wolf. Her energy is insane and there' s not one song of hers that I don't vibe with. Today I've also been listening to Emma Rosen's music. Emma is an amazing songwriter from my hometown (Halifax, Nova Scotia). She has written for a bunch of huge artists, but I only recently discovered her solo stuff and it's sick.

Buzz Slayers: Are you doing any live performances right now?

I don't have any future shows booked as of right now, but we've started planning for next season!

Buzz Slayers: single feels like a big undertaking, is there any advice you'd give to other up and coming artists out there?

The advice that I would give is to be gentle with yourself and to not rush projects that don't need to be rushed. Take your time. Enjoy the process. Also follow your gut and make music that is authentic to who you are. Listeners can sense authenticity and it makes music easier to relate to. I also say that, because expressing myself honestly through art has helped me get to know myself better, which has been a super rewarding journey so far.

Buzz Slayers: What can your fans expect from you in the near future?

I have a new single titled "Wish You Well" on the way! It's currently in post production, so I don't have an exact release date, but it will be out before the new year!

Buzz Slayers: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?

I just want to say thank you for listening, and I love you.

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