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Writer's pictureBuzzSlayers

An Interview With Dan Rose

A new and refreshing single from Dan Rose Bears a lot of soul in the form of a neo folk tonality with a beautifully stripped down and one on one approach that gives everything the attention that it needs for the message to come through properly.

"Smell The Need for Change" definitely comes from a genuine place that drove the song and as the song plays on it subtly builds and becomes a little bit more cinematic with these string-based synth pads that float around in the background and hint towards classic rock influence.

This track has a real emotional platform behind it that makes you think of artists like classic Dylan for example as the song is a cry out for society itself and a message for a lot of people really.

The artist definitely has a lot of heart in the performance and a unique style that makes things all his own while keeping to a somewhat familiar platform and soundscape that makes songs welcoming.

This is the type of song that is hard to articulate for people to even be able to speak it so perhaps writing songs like this is somewhat cathartic for the artist.

There's something about it that feels relatable and when you listen to it you feel like you're not alone and that's an important aspect with songwriters like this.

This track grabs your attention and keeps you right where it wants to so that you can soak everything in the way it was meant to.

This is a song for the Earth and for the people that inhabit it so songs like this one should be heard by the masses because a lot of people would agree with it and a lot of other people need to hear it.

It's a song about a change of course. It's about how it's time to wake up and snap out of the way that we are living and the things that we're letting go of unchanged for so long.

The cool thing is it's done in less of a political and more of a personal style, so you feel the heart in there and the genuine sort of character that is sending this message out.

That's what makes it so relatable really. It's because it's coming from such a personal place. It's a feeling, not an agenda.

With the release of such an impactful single, we wanted to have a sit-down with Dan to find out where this actually came from and what drove him to write it.

We also wanted to find out what may be coming next for the artist.

Here's what happened.

Buzz Slayers: Okay, let's start with "Smell the Need for Change"! This track had such an impactful and positive message! How did this song come about?

Well, let me start by saying that I don't know when it's Pancake Day, Taco Day or even Chocolate Day, but I do know about Earth Day in April. Last year, around Earth Day, I decided to write, record and release a song for Earth Day in 2023, in case the world existed. Thankfully we're still here and my song is ready, and I just hope Earth Day will inspire more people to push for postive climate action.

Buzz Slayers: How did this all start for you as an artist?

Am I an artist? Well, I'm kinda broke, i doubt myself and I spend enormous amounts of time making music and managing thinhs behind the scenes. So yeah, I thrive as an artist because I am truly independent and I get to write songs about what matters most to me without any corporate interference. I've been in the music business long enough to see a whole lot of artists give up along the way, but I know exactly what I want to do. and I get back up every time I get knocked down. That wasn't always the case. Reaching a point where I can honestly be myself in my music was a gamechanger for me.

Buzz Slayers: What kind of things really inspire songs for you?

Climate activism, sustainable choices and a hope of a green future keeps me going. We can do better and that idea inspires me. The likes of Greta Thunberg and Fridays For Future has my total respect and I as well want to contribute to the cause in the ways that I can. I also really like the sound of lo-fi and demo recordings. The cassette tape albums by The Mountain Goats and Daniel Johnston really made an impression on me and also all the unplugged and demo versions of Nirvana songs. Raw and immediate sounds cool. Don't ever ask me to put on music at a party! Haha.

Buzz Slayers: This single has some great styles on it! Can you give us some of your biggest influences musically?

I really like the sound of lo-fi and demo recordings. The cassette tape albums by The Mountain Goats and Daniel Johnston really made an impression on me and also all the unplugged and demo versions of Nirvana songs. Raw and immediate sounds cool. Don't ever ask me to put on music at a party! Haha

Buzz Slayers: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?

Then I'm working FOR the music; trying to get some cool live gigs, engaging with followers on Instagram, which I really love, by the way. I have a lot of fun and good times there. Other than that I really like watching TV, series and sports. I also spend time at my day job in retail, that's kind of important for my employer, you know what I mean? Hahaha.

Buzz Slayers: Who's in your headphones right now?

The CD Baby DIY Musician Podcast. I've listened to every episode and I follow a bunch of other music-related podcasts. On Spotify I manage a playlist for local music in my area, so i listen to a lot of music from here.

Buzz Slayers: Are you doing any live performances right now?

Yeah I am and I'm working on getting a snowball effect out of it. I absolutely love packing my guitar on my bag and taking a bus or train to a live performance, meeting people, sharing my songs about tiny house living, minimalism, the climate crisis, greenwashing and all sorts of stuff I have on my mind. If anyone out there have an idea of where I should visit with my guitar, songs and stories, please let me know, thanks!

Buzz Slayers: Did you record yourself or hit a big studio for this?

This is very much the opposite of a big studio. We're talking about a microphone that is bent out of shape, voice memo recordings, a laptop that struggled to keep power and not crash between takes. It's all very DIY and lo-fi, there was no intentions of this ending up winning any awards for sound quality, that's for sure. The entire point was to make something truly honest and authentic rather than something pleasing. It's an artistic and personal statement, which I hope people can connect to.

Buzz Slayers: What can your fans expect from you in the near future?

I will be releasing a full album this year called "This House Is On Fire". The title is inspired by Greta Thunberg and it's very fitting for the album. I aim to go on tour and perform gigs at clubs, venues, bars and more, like house shows and climate and sustainability events like I've already been doing so far. I hope to be able to help change minds and push for a greener tomorrow, a more sustainable existence.

Buzz Slayers: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?

Thank you! I'm really glad that you're here and I'm sure we've already connected in real life or on Instagram, but if we haven't yet I would really likr to meet. Get in touch with me, alright?

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