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An Honest and Powerful Single from Tina Bridge

Writer's picture: BuzzSlayersBuzzSlayers

A new single release from Tina Bridge comes through as remarkably honest and powerfully put forth with a display of incredible presence and vocal power while remaining vulnerable a lot of the time which is something you don't get often so when you do come across something like this it is impactful to listen to.

"Your Show" is very emotionally driven and when you hear it for the first time it feels almost theatrical as it does have a stripped-down piano and vocal approach which only creates more of an impact because you're able to pay attention to the lyrics a lot more and everything still hits with such a heavy-handed passion that you know it all came from someplace real.

The thing with songs like this is that you end up relating to it quite a bit. If you are of a certain age and have been in relationships before that have left a mark, then you'll understand this completely.

I feel like this must have been cathartic for Tina to write and release because she's letting those emotions and inner thoughts spill out of her and it's a lot to soak in for whomever is listening.

This is what true heart is all about. It's about expressing that heavy-handed emotion and the only way you know how.

I feel like a lot of us can not only understand and relate to this song but have had similar intensities of emotion, but I don't think we know how to express it or articulate it into words let alone words and music for that matter so, come across a song like this it hits us a certain way.

It sounds like this that reminds us that we're human and we're allowed to have emotions on that level. We're allowed to feel that intensely.

Even with such a stripped-down approach, this track has so much power to it and a lot of that comes from her vocal approach which is so bountiful and robust that you can't turn away.

It's important to have music like this. Music that wraps itself around us and lets us feel something.

Now, Tina delivers a range with those vocals. She keeps it subtle and more sullen during the verses and when those choruses come in, she belts and gets loud. Those climaxes are huge and it's very engulfing in a way.

This track was absolutely gorgeous. It showcased the artist's presence, especially as a vocalist but also as a songwriter, and the ability to let so much out in one small chunk of time.

This is a track that clearly meant something to Tina. You can feel that in the song itself. You can feel that heart, that intensity. It all comes through with a vibrancy and there's something about this track that just sticks with you.

When it's over you still have that massive chorus floating around in your head. You're singing it over and over in there and sometimes, the only way to satiate something like that is to go and listen to the song again.

The emotional value of this track is something that gives it that cinematic backbone.

It would not be surprising to hear this track in the scene of a film.

This was beautiful, loaded with personality, packed with intensities and just oozed honesty with such a poetic approach to the lyrics that it all ended up leaving a mark.

Most definitely listen to this track and see exactly what I'm talking about.

This song will affect you without question.

I think this will affect everyone a little differently depending on who they are and what they've been through.

All part of the beauty of good music, I suppose.

Go and listen to this one by yourself with no interruptions and remember where you heard it first.


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