A new release from Molly Baker gives off a unique breed of honesty in the form of a pop single that reaches into different areas of rock, contemporary, and commercial approaches and it all works perfectly simply because she's got the right kind of heart and personality attached to the song which really shines through.
This is something you end up getting attached to quite quickly and lets the song really speak volumes for the artist and how she is unafraid to speak her inner thoughts and articulate it into words and music in a way that lets whoever is listening really understand it.
The other side to a song like "Big Mistake" is that you may relate to it because of the way she puts her lyrics together but for her, it feels like it must have been even cathartic to an extent.
This is a youthful sort of love song in a way that talks about a relationship and how confusing and difficult it must be until you get to the point where you realize that the whole thing is just a big mistake.
Part of the beauty and attraction of this track is exactly how she builds her lyrics and how straightforward they are. These are not coded with metaphors. These are right in your face, straightforward inner thoughts and emotions coming straight out and I think that that takes a lot of guts but also makes perfect sense because when you're young, you want to let all of that out. You want to speak your mind because otherwise it'll be bottled up.
Molly Baker has found her way of speaking her mind. Her music is how she lets that emotion out so that it doesn't stay bottled up inside of her and I feel like this works wonders because the song comes through incredibly authentic as does she.
The music is produced extremely well with catchy guitar work, a polished tonality, and this catchy element to everything that makes the whole thing memorable and blends color with that tiny hint of edginess so that you have some of that raw emotion and energy coming through all the time.
The chorus of this track is outstanding, and Molly has an amazing way of sort of bending her voice which lets the whole song flow in a natural way.
She certainly has amazing control, but her performance is also genuine and that emotion and heart, soul, and personality all hit perfectly.
Her melodies glide into each other from the verses to the pre-choruses, and into the chorus.
It's such a brilliant way of formatting a song but it works so well because of the way she sings and how she can connect the last vocal section to the next one.
You can tell there's a lot of attention to detail during the creation and writing of the song, but you can also tell it never loses that character throughout the entire thing, and this may be the most important aspect of it all.
Molly Baker is an outstanding example of a young artist who is paving her own path musically and doing things with the notion that a song can be catchy and also super honest at the same time.
This is a track with fewer walls built around it than you may be used to and I for one, feel like that is super refreshing.
Upon listening to this track, I checked out a few for other releases on Spotify and I can tell you there is a set of singles released earlier this year that are astounding, and they each show a little bit of a different side to who she is as a person and to her artistry as well.
There are other releases from 2023 and 2022 as well going back to her debut in 2021 and listening to all of it lets you get a feel for her evolution as an artist.
I would definitely be keeping an eye out for Molly Baker from here on because I have a feeling 2025 will be a great year for the artist and I certainly hope that we get to hear a bunch more from her.
Don't just take my word for it though. Have a listen to this track and to her previous releases from earlier this year at the very least and I'm sure you will quickly get attached to all that she gives in her songs.
Molly Baker is an artist who gives little pieces of herself in her music, but she does it in an almost universal way.
Anyway, check this track out and remember where you heard it first.