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A Warm and Welcoming Single from Brad Byrd

A wonderfully welcoming and detailed release from Brad Byrd delivers such a unique brand of honesty that comes through with descriptive lyrics that let you sort of paint a picture in your head while the song unfolds, and I feel like that's such a beautiful connection to be made when listening to anything.

"Lost In A Day" depicts exactly that. It's such a freeing song and it's got so much robust personality and character attached to it that when you're done listening to it you get a feel for what Brad's is actually like as a person.

It feels good to listen to songs like this because you just know it came from such inner thought and was probably written in a certain moment all at once because of the inspiration of his surroundings.

These are the kinds of things and feelings that created the song for Brad and no matter where the inspiration is drawn from with any kind of song out there, if it's authentic you can feel it. You can feel it with this track.

One of the things I adore about this song is how sort of, alive and breathing it is. It's a singer-songwriter, folk-style track but it has these almost digital swells that act kind of like string sections in a way and those come and go in waves throughout the track giving it an almost cinematic backbone half of the time.

This is such a warm tonality and things like that have a way of engulfing you and keeping you right where they want to. This song does exactly that but it also makes you think.

This is important because I feel like we need a lot more music out there that makes you think or that makes you feel. It's so personal and so descriptive that it actually causes memories of your own to pop into your head at random.

I don't even remember the last time a song made my own memories pop in there but, this song really pulled it off and did it in such a charming way as well.

There's nothing negative about it. There's no underlying haunt or disparity. It's peaceful in a way. It's blissful in a way as well.

This was such a beautiful flow and everything felt completely natural.

Those hints of experimental production blend well with the indie-folk approach and nothing about it is overdone. The song is about what it's about. You're not pulled away by a flurry of instrumentation or an overdone element of production.

It's strange how a song that doesn't sound nostalgic at all, can feel nostalgic anyway. 

You can hear hints of Americana in the songwriting approach and little bits of those influences kind of coming through here and there but really, it's a straightforward track that comes from a place that is very real and I would suggest you listen to this one with headphones on so you can just get washed away with the soundscape of it all.

I definitely love how this song feels, and you probably will too.

The track affected me in such a positive way and in such a welcoming way that it made me actually want to go outside, find some nature to walk around in and clear my head.

Again, it's strange how songs can do that.

In a way, I feel like we could all use a day to get lost in.

Thankfully Brad is someone who's able to remind us of that.

Take a listen to this track and see how it affects you.

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