A new single and music video from Frankie Muriel delivers such an impactful and lush soul that it infects you immediately.
This song is a gorgeous single that reaches deep down into your soul and lets you feel something.
It's tracks like this that make you feel alive, and it's such a warm and welcoming soundscape that you want to hold on to it for as long as you possibly can.
"Sweet Surrender" is a wonderful anthemic track that features gospel singers to really enrich the vocal approach and the intensity of the song itself along with a beautiful honesty and powerful main vocal that is bursting at the seams with that same gospel soul which is a huge part of why this track hits you the way it does.
This track blends that gospel element with rock and blues so you have this thick feel that brings different genres together to make it its own, and it's Frankie's vocals and personality that really get you on this one.
This song has been hitting me for the past few days, and I've listened to it a bunch because it just has this gorgeously impactful feel to it, and it makes you want to stand up out of your chair and sing out loud right along with it.
It wasn't until today, when the music video for the track released, that I realized Frankie's playing multiple instruments on this.
Frankie Muriel seems to be a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, producer, and composer who can put together something you can feel in your bones, and this song is proof of that.
Now, there are other players on this track, of course. Guitarists, especially, but Frankie does an incredible job doing the keys and organs, playing the drums, belting on those vocals, and more.
This blew my mind to an extent because for someone to write a song like this and play multiple instruments on it, be a part of the whole production, and have everything come through with so much warm intensity is something I couldn't imagine where to start.
It makes you think about how an idea, riff, melody, chorus, or rhythm spark something and turns it into such a big production.
And that's what this is. It is quite a big production because it's so massive with all these beautiful vocals that take you straight to church.
But, even through all that big feeling production, it's the soul and the heart that let the song shine.
Frankie's presence as an artist is all over this, and the video showcases that as much as the song does, which I absolutely loved.
The music video for this is more like a glimpse into how house songs like this are created and how artists like Frankie Muriel dive head first into building these kinds of songs.
Watching the process and how much fun everyone had doing it, especially Frankie of course, was so much fun that it felt like I was right there in the moment with them.
This is what music videos should be all about, honestly. It all puts you there in the moment so you can see how a song this layered and lush is created.
Obviously Frankie had some amazing players and singers in with him to bring this to life, but he had all of that planned.
Musically, Frankie is a man with a plan for sure, and this video is a perfect example of bringing an idea to full fruition.
This was charismatic and Soulful, warm and heartfelt, and had so much power behind it that you can't turn away from it.
Listen to this song right now so you can feel that energy come through in your soul and your bones because, believe me, you will.
Remember where you heard this first.