A fresh single release from Robots In Love delivers quite a robust and addictive alternative and electronic rock soundscape as they blend synths with driving guitars and anthemic vocals that all come together to create this almost sci-fi rock atmosphere that you become quite addicted to.
"Crush" has a massive, open-ended chorus that feels vast, and it's something that wraps itself around you and keeps you right where it wants to.
One of the things I love most about this track is how they blend the tones and edginess of the guitars with some of the synths and all the layers of vocals that come through.
Building a song with an alternative edge and rock drive to it but also that expansive underbelly is impressive.
Strangely, the track even feels cinematic in its own right.
While the guitars crunch away, the synths lay out a different set of melodies, and the way the guitars and those synths bounce off of each other is outstanding because they create these different textures of sound for you to soak in.
This is all part of the fun of the track.
The drums are heavy-handed and bring tons of that drive to the song helping it push the envelope just enough to get where it needs to be so, it's not over the top, but it's extremely excitable, vibrant, vivacious, and has this sort of character and personality attached to it as well.
These are all the things that you end up getting attached to. You listen to this track, and I get the feeling this was lots of fun to produce.
You can tell this track took a lot of attention to detail to create. There are intricacies here that let the song breathe with a certain aesthetic and, again, bring together the vastness and the drive so that you have color and edginess all in one track.
There are tons of layers here, and the vocals add a lush feel to the whole soundscape.
You have great harmonies and held-out notes, especially during that gigantic chorus. Throughout it all, you still get that heavy rock approach.
This track is an escape, and you can tell that it's done by people who have a real love for their craft. When I say that, I don't just mean playing instruments or singing; I mean writing songs together that create their own atmosphere.
This track hit hard but did so with a lot of color and melody, so there's plenty to hold on to, and some of those hooks end up bouncing around in your brain for hours or even days after the song is ended.
Upon listening to this track, I checked out plenty more of their preview releases on their Spotify account.
I was pretty blown away at what they had to offer because they have a good handful of releases ranging from EPS to singles and a bunch of remixes, which shows how important the electronic side of what they're doing really is.
This is a band that feeds off each other's energies, which you can hear in the music itself.
The fact that they push for those remixes and give you releases that have different views and perspectives of the same track is really interesting.
This single, for example, comes with a remix as well. "Crush Magnetique Remix" is sonically driving and massive.
It hits just as hard as the original does, but in a different light. There are edgy synths that come through thick but sharp at the same time, that huge drive is still there, and the chorus holds just as strong as it did in the original in this remix.
I always find that a remix is interesting because you never know what to expect, but this one matched up with the original so well that I couldn't believe it.
I suggest listening to both of these tracks and taking a deep dive into their back catalog because if you dig these, you will like a lot of their other stuff.
This band has plenty to offer, so take some time and check out some of their previous stuff because it's certainly not a waste of your time.
In the meantime, check out the two versions of "Crush" and don't be afraid to turn them up loud.
Remember where you heard it first.