A blistering new track from Lumens gives off a massive and invasive but completely addicting metal approach that begins with an insane riff that is so catchy that you can't get it out of your head.
This entire track is like a master class in metal in a way.
One of the things that is the hit hardest aside from that ridiculously driving and catchy riff, is the production. This is because it plays such a massive part in the overall soundscape in the end.
The single is called "In Too Deep" and right off the bat you get such a high impact and thriving energy that the whole thing just feels brutal and its upfront approach.
The riff is smart and has a whip to it but it's also deepening and rumbling at the same time. You get that thick guitar tone and right after that intro, the song explodes into the full version of the riff and it's just crazy.
The aesthetic of the song partially comes from how amazingly well it was produced and how that production plays such a heavy hand in the level of punch that the track portrays.
Now, don't get me wrong, this track is all band. The energy of the song alone is enough to make you want to go see them perform it live because it feels like every member of the band is feeding off the other.
The synergism is alive and breathing with these guys and I think that's how they're able to write songs like this one. Songs that have these layers to them.
So, you have this crazy riff, the drumming is outstanding. It's the drive of the entire thing. And the vocals come in with this metal screaming. Fierce but also with a little bit of trudge to it.
One of the things I love about the vocals during the verses is the lyrical phrasing and how the words can bounce between the rhythm of the drums in such a way that it creates another rhythm of its own.
To me, this was a super smart approach, and it probably just felt natural to the vocalist, but it pulled me in even more.
So, you have a cross between melodic metal, hardcore, and a lot of other heavy rock subgenres of course, but then it breaks into this anthemic and huge chorus that's melodic and powerful.
This was the kind of chorus that sticks with you for a while. Even after the song is over, you have that chorus bouncing around in your head for quite some time and you want to just go listen to the song again.
I love that combination of the grueling, deep punch and edginess of the verses and how heavy they can be, and the fist-in-the-air sing-along anthem of a chorus that they tie into it.
The arrangement of this whole thing was brilliantly done but, it's the performances that blow you away.
Look, if you're a metal fan, you likely have an addiction to great metal riffs. This is one of the best metal riffs I've heard in a long time.
But the thing is, it keeps getting better from there.
Listening to the record makes you want to see them live. I love hearing a band and knowing immediately that they're going to be ridiculous to see in a live performance setting. Sometimes you can just tell and when I listen to this song, I can tell that Lumens is the kind of band I would pay to go see.
If you can capture that kind of tightness but also energy on record this way, then seeing them live would be a face-melter for sure.
Every element of this band is pushing the others. This is what I mean by the synergism of it all. It feels like all the performances are complementing the others.
I dare you to go listen to this track at any time during the day, even in the morning, and when you lay down to sleep at night, I guarantee you'll hear that riff. You'll likely hear that massive chorus as well.
This is a track that speaks volumes for a band like this. A step in a direction that showcases that these guys are serious and know exactly what they're doing and how they're doing it.
Their ability to bring a song like this to fruition is brilliant and I'm definitely going to be keeping a close eye on them from here on out.
Don't just take my word for it though, listen to the track and when you do, remember where you heard it first.