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Writer's pictureBuzzSlayers

A Massive New Single from Coldwards

The latest single release from Coldwards comes through as a cross of classic alternative and emo rock that has an honest backbone to it and a theatrical underbelly that really hits hard as guitars have an edgy tone while vocals have a harmonious and melodic approach.

"Antidote" does indeed have a sort of theme to it and a dark edginess that lurks beneath the surface, but I think that's part of the aesthetic of the track, and it works really well especially for the whole theatrical side of things also.

One of the things I enjoyed about this track was that it had this kind of orchestral rock approach where there were synth strings and keys that were involved with the heavy guitars and drumming so that you had an almost fantastical and outlandish sort of rock soundscape but this is something that made it even more interesting in alluring.

The blending and combination of that hard-edged rock approach and these sorts of theatrical and belting vocals really worked well because those textures layered on top of each other felt amazing.

The riffs and guitar tone were certainly quite heavy, and the drumming cut through everything, so those kick drums packed a punch and added to that rumble and fire behind the song.

That lively and electric combination of the synths in the production, and the guitar work really pushed his song to where it needed to be and I feel like it's such an outstanding combination of dynamic balance in terms of the vocals with the guitars, the keys and synths with the bass line, and the drums that add the drive, everything really it's the way it was meant to.

You can tell there was a lot of heart in this track too because there's an emotional drive behind the entire thing which of course also adds to that theatrical and almost cinematic tonality of everything but again, this is how these guys put songs together, and how they're able to create that personality and character behind it.

This song speaks volumes for the band because you can tell that they have a love for their craft. That element shines through with every second that passes during this track, but I think that they're able to also grab you and pull you into this other world for a little bit and that is something you don't get often.

By the time you get to that final chorus, it's just absolutely massive and the whole song surrounds you and kind of engulfs you and its persona and that's something that comes through impactful.

Not only do the guitars, drumming, and all the music get more intense, but so do the vocals and the energy between the vocals in the band really line up perfectly throughout this song so that it builds into what it's meant to by the end.

A very cool track from Coldwards, have a listen to "Antidote" when you can because you might be able to relate to it, and if not, you're certainly going to feel something from it.

Remember where you heard it first.

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