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Writer's pictureBuzzSlayers

A Massive New Album from alltheprettythings Leaves its Mark

The latest release from alltheprettythings has a very unique way of delivering a robust and full-bodied honesty along with an anthemic rock soundscape a lot of the time while blending in other influences that show face throughout the unfolding of the record all the while, keeping true to this sort of personality and character.

Part of the beauty of the prose album is not only the truths behind a lot of these songs but it's the way that everything is portrayed. These songs are told in the form of stories a lot of the time even though there's a lot of personal approach to them. The lyrics are something that you can tell came from real places and this really helps make the entire album more authentic in a way.

This album is a heavy rock record that incorporates a lot of alternative rock, and indie-rock, but also inventive progressive and forward-moving arrangements that let the songs breathe and that's something I find really unique about the record along with the fact that it almost feels like it's a concept record because the songs have strange ways of interconnecting with each other.

The album indeed feels like a concept album but even if it's not and I'm incorrect about that, you can tell that some of these songs serve almost like chapters in the songwriter's life.

They get pretty detailed at times and keep things very real all the while, the songs can range from this sort of aggressive heaviness that shows both color and edge but is also shaped in a melodic sense so that you have heavy-handed and addictive choruses and those anthemic sections that I mentioned earlier are the parts that stick in your brain for hours or even days after the songs have ended.

You will most certainly connect with a lot of these tracks, and everything was very well thought out. From the guitar tone ranging from tractor track depending on the mood, style, and approach, all the way to the way the vocals are performed.

One of the things I love is how sometimes the vocals serve almost like instruments themselves giving off these lush harmonies in the background and while this happens you have these crazy and awesome, sort of intricate guitar riffs happening because those kinds of layers bring both that I mentioned earlier. The color and the edginess. When those two elements come together which happened very often on this record, it gives you an atmosphere.

Once you're in this atmosphere, you really don't want to leave.

Some of the songs even have such a unique energy that it feels like they were recorded live on the floor to an extent. As if the players were just feeding off of each other's energies the entire time and that's what you're hearing on the record in part.

This is an album that you should be listening to from beginning to end not just because there are connective elements and stories behind them, but also because of the range of songwriting and rock approaches that the record boasts.

If you listen to only one or two tracks from this album you may get a little bit of a gist of what you can expect but it will give you nowhere near the full range of spectrum for what the album has to offer as a whole.

This is a great rock record that's not just cookie-cutter. It's got layers to it and it's fun to peel those layers back.

The guitar and drumming are outstanding throughout the entire course of the record, and these are the two elements that I feel like give the record so much drive.

The way the bass guitar is performed and the tonality of it also give a thicker low end and aren't just following the guitars.

Every element of this record instrumentally and vocally seems to complement the next.

I find this very interesting because the record comes through almost with a cinematic and vast undertone. It feels expansive in that undertone.

I think that's something that resonates and that lets the whole soundscape of the record wrap itself around you and keep you right where it wants to.

This was a massive and character-riddled album that hit melodically edgy but warm and powerful alternative rock sounds, and it came through with heart and honesty.

Take a deep dive into this record and again, I suggest you listen to the whole thing and either do it loud or put on some headphones because this way you can really soak in all the things that are happening with these tracks.

Layers of textures and elements that float through the ethers of some of the songs might be missed if you listen to it too low.

Remember where you heard it first.

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