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A Massive Alt-Pop Album from KING IV

Writer: BuzzSlayersBuzzSlayers

An album release from King IV brings out a rambunctious and alluring array of alternative pop soundscapes that blend a delicious tone with colorful but very edgy pop overtones and the whole thing ends up creating an atmosphere that you end up getting attached to.

The Psychopomp: The Other Side album is riddled with character and layered with rich pop textures that soak through your skin and end up infecting.

A lot of this record feels somewhat cinematic to me in the sense that you can easily see these tracks in certain scenes of films but a lot of the time it makes me think of films from the 90s and ones that are edgy as well like maybe a horror film or something with essential allure to it.

These tracks are amazing for the club but they're also amazing for popping on headphones and really just drifting away because this album is an amazing escape.

The record can pull you away from your surroundings and put you in different places and I think that that's a gift in music personally.

I love the whole approach to the production because the use of synths and keys, beats and instrumentation is outstanding and each song has its own personal and individual story and vibe but, the songs do feel like they go together almost like this is a concept record of sorts.

The vocal approach complements the entire record perfectly because she comes through with a sort of sensual tone when she wants to and then other times it's more aggressive. What's awesome is that the vocal approach changes a little bit in terms of how the song sounds so the vocalist can change characters depending on the production of the track itself and I think that's outstanding.

Some of the tracks have a more classic sort of dance-pop vibe to them but still, the whole record has a little bit of a dark almost gothic-type theme to it that sticks pretty strongly throughout and I like this because it gives the entire record a sort of personality and character that you end up loving.

It's been quite a long time since I've heard a record that I was able to soak in everything so well that by the time it was over, I had to snap myself back to reality again.

Again, a lot of these tracks, even the harder-hitting ones, have a bit of an expansive underbelly to them and this is part of what helps them feel connected to each other and also what makes them feel cinematic as well.

That vastness in that openness beneath the layers of these tracks is always evident and I dig that because that's part of what makes you feel like you're going on little journeys.

You can tell that there was plenty of attention to detail that went into the creation of this record but it also never loses that character and it never loses that theme throughout its course so it really stays strong the entire time.

They're definitely a few surprises around the corners and I love hearing that sort of underground '90s alternative pop influence coming through on a bunch of these songs.

It gave me little bouts of nostalgia here and there but the whole record really does sound fresh and current, vibrant, charismatic, and completely atmospheric.

An outstanding and very well woven record, definitely dive into this one when you get a chance because it's well worth your time.

And, when you do it, I would actually suggest listening to the entire record because listening to one or two tracks doesn't really give it justice.

I'm also going to suggest that you do this with headphones on so you can really soak in all the extra stuff that's floating around in the ether of some of these songs.

There's a lot to take in here and I suggest you do it all in one shop because it's the best way to go.

Remember where you heard it first.


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