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Writer's pictureBuzzSlayers

A Brutally Honest and Endlessly Fun Banger from The Roulettes

A new single release from The Roulettes ends up coming through with a little bit of fierceness, plenty of attitude, and a combination of garage, indie rock, and some classic riot rock in there as well but there are some twists and turns around the corners and this amazing energy that feels almost like a live performance and all of them are just feeding off of each other the entire time.

"Ineffective" is certainly aimed somewhere in particular and the sentiment of the song knows no bounds and just like the music, comes through packing a sucker punch to the gut. I mean this in the best possible way of course as the track hits hard and has a fire behind it but is also done in a unique manner and a blend of inventive color and edginess.

When I listen to the song it makes me think of classic riot-rock and punk bands, female-fronted (or all female), and changing the game because that's the kind of stuff I used to love listening to. I love that this band gives me that same feeling when I listen to them. There's something about the aesthetic and how they do their thing that feels the same as those bands from the early to mid-90s that were just breaking down barriers and doing whatever the hell they wanted.

The Roulettes do an amazing job of capturing that aesthetic but also giving this electric energy so that it makes you want to go see them perform it live simply because of the way it was done on the record. It makes you feel like seeing them live would just be amazing.

I also really like this because there are fewer boundaries than the norm and this may be part of the semi outside-the-box approach that these girls have but it works like a charm.

Blending elements of surf rock in the mix, the guitar tones have a certain kind of twang along with that distorted edginess that's not over the top but fears enough to thrash.

The vocals are right in your face and riddled with character which is something you end up really loving right from the start and that's something else that I need to touch on.

The beginning of the song gives you an intro that repeats the line "I will salvage you" with a sort of distant and progressive guitar part, stripped down and beautifully intense in its own way.

The vocal harmonies build as they repeat the line and this whole section lasts about 30 or 40 seconds and serves as the calm before the storm.

So, you see, there's a lot of emotional drive behind this track and the beginning part of the song is like the acceptance part of it. It's accepting how ineffective that person is. That of course, is if this is about one person.

The rest of the song is a rebellion and it's one with closed fists and big fangs.

I love that change in that introduction. That was a really cool section of the song, and it gives you a little bit of surprise when the full riff kicks in.

This was so much fun I can't even explain it. I loved listening to this, and I love this band simply because this is the kind of stuff that I miss listening to.

That sort of raw energy, garage rock, with an eerie fierceness and fire that lets everything come through feeling heavy even though it's not actually very heavy.

I love that.

Anyway, take a listen to this track for yourself so you can see exactly what I mean, and don't be afraid to turn it up because that's the best way to listen to it.

Remember where you heard it first.

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